The CAMAG TLC Visualizer 2 is a professional imaging and documentation system for TLC and HPTLC chromatograms.
Key features:
Reproducible high-quality images acquired under homogeneous illumination with the selected light
Easy and intuitive operation with visionCATS
High-dynamic-range imaging (HDRI)
Side by side comparison of tracks originating from the same or different plates and/or different illumination modes
Various image enhancement tools, e.g. Spot Amplification (“Spot Amp”), Clean Plate Correction and Exposure Normalization
Image-based profile generation from reference and sample tracks, and subsequent peak integration and calibration
New digital CCD camera with a maximum resolution of 82 μm on the plate
USB 3.0 for easy PC connection
Meets all requirements to be used in a cGMP/cGLP environment
IQ/OQ qualification and 21 CFR Part 11 ready